Priority Granting Areas


The Consecon Foundation’s grant making priorities include four broad categories:

Accelerating the Protein Transition

Tackling emissions and deforestation from animal agriculture by growing food from cells.

Carbon Management Through Negative Carbon Emissions

Positioning Canada as a global leader in this vital industry.

Innovative Approaches to Biodiversity Protection

Supporting scientific and public policy research to combat biodiversity loss.

Influencing Environmental


Helping young Canadians feel empowered rather than overwhelmed.

Local Grants 


The Consecon Foundation supports conservation efforts in Prince Edward County. Our priority areas include: the establishment of a National Marine Conservation Area in eastern Lake Ontario; the protection of the South Shore of Prince Edward County, with a strategic focus on establishing connectivity between the South Shore and Sandbanks Provincial Park; and the preservation of Prince Edward County's farmland, primarily through the use of conservation easements.